Here’s the first set of photos from my shoot with the exceptional Stage Door Johnnies.
I thought I should lead off with Ray Gunn because he was so instrumental in coming up with the concepts for the next two shoots with Bazuka Joe and Jett Adore.
In this case, Ray Gunn was dressed for a Steampunk shoot (coming soon) and I was attracted to that mirror. The Steampunk shoot is in sepia tone (naturally) and Bambi Lovey did such an incredibly colorful makeup job that I wanted to capture that in full color.
What I discovered while working with Ray is that he’s a fan of America’s Next Top Model (just like I am) and that he’s been paying close attention because he gave me so many looks it was hard to keep up! I chose the cream of the crop for you to view below.
If you’re interested in seeing more of Ray Gunn, please visit the official site of The Stage Door Johnnies! You can also see him on his Ray Gunn Facebook profile.
Click the thumbnails below to see the full size photos, and please leave your comments below!
RT @AppleNAngel: “@DirkHooper: This is Ray Gunn from @SDJohnnies . The complete set is on my site.
http://t.co/ZCnN75Ku | http://t.co/GGE7dtY1”
Thank you Apple! RT @AppleNAngel: “@DirkHooper: This is Ray Gunn from @SDJohnnies .
http://t.co/b589NqlR | http://t.co/s6QgUGo2”
Dirk Hooper: Photoshoot: Ray Gunn in “Reflection” by photographer Dirk Hooper: Here’s the fir… http://t.co/94Qimj37 #fetish #news #pix
New Photoshoot: Ray Gunn in “Reflection” by photographer Dirk Hooper | Dirk Hooper Photography http://t.co/b589NqlR
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New Photoshoot: Ray Gunn in “Reflection” by photographer Dirk Hooper http://t.co/b589NqlR
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Photoshoot: Ray Gunn in “Reflection” by photographer Dirk Hooper http://t.co/b589NqlR
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