This is one of my favorite sets and it’s a good example of how a wonderful concept can come together when everyone is on their game.
The setting for this piece was a section of a large building that was largely abandoned. It was cold that day so there were portable heaters placed around the set. The model, gg, had a lovely geisha robe that she brought to the shoot. Her personal style, complete with jet black hair complemented the look.
David Masters had this fantastic idea to do a challenging suspension that would occur from the model’s arm. The connection between the model and the rigger is crucial in this set and I think you can see the emotion in several shots. It’s important to note how much gg put into this shoot. This stuff is not easy on the model.
I lit the photos dramatically and always envisioned it being worked as a black and white set. I ended up with something that was highly unsaturated and also influenced by the look of the Matrix films.
If you’re interested in following the model and bondage artist links to them are below. They are both excellent at what they do and great people in general.
David Masterson on Twitter: @OkieNawa
David Masterson blog: http://okienawa.blogspot.com/
Model gg: @graveyard_gurl
I’ve been nominated for Best Bondage Photographer for 2012. I would appreciate your vote!
Please click on the images below to see the full size photos.
Dirk Hooper: “Geisha” bondage photos by Dirk Hooper: This is one of my favorite sets and it’s… http://t.co/D50m0kLz #fetish #news #pix
New! “Geisha” bondage photos by Dirk Hooper | Dirk Hooper Photography http://t.co/YChdlXPK
New! “Geisha” bondage photos by Dirk Hooper http://t.co/YChdlXPK
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Geisha’s bridge that Japanese-gap between ‘a wife’ & ‘a robot you can fuck’. @DirkHooper has some awesome new photos http://t.co/dcJJsj8a
Very nice! RT @DirkHooper: New! “Geisha” bondage photos by Dirk Hooper http://t.co/jBQ4OBpf
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Thank you! RT @afinegurl: Very nice! RT @DirkHooper: New! “Geisha” bondage photos by Dirk Hooper http://t.co/YChdlXPK
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