This FemDom art is from the collection of DrPonyBatBond in tribute to Mistress Michelle Lacy. He’s inspired the creation of FemDom artwork mostly featuring Mistress Michelle Lacy and himself in his leather pony wear.
I asked him a couple of questions as an introduction to him and his collection.
How did you come up with the name “Drponybatbond?”
“Many of my bondage fantasies definitely were molded by the 66 Batman tv show. The dynamic between Julie Newmar’s Catwoman and Adam West’s Batman form the scaffolding of much of my kinky sexuality.
When I had my first visit 8 years ago to Mistress Michelle Lacy, I already had a pretty extensive kink collection in the back of my closet including a recently purchased Mr S Leather hood with Custom 66 Batman ears.
I did many initial bondage sessions with Mistress Michelle and then a few dual sessions with with her good friend. They both started calling me “Bondage Batman” in person and in their respective blogs at the time.
Eventually I introduced the pony play to Mistress Michelle as we became closer and developed rapport. Now the Batman hood with custom ears become pony ears with the addition of the pony play bridle I had purchased to try pony play.
By then, both ladies started referring to me as: “Pony,” ”Brony,”and “Dr. pony” as I’m in the medical field.
(Now incidentally the pony play hoods are called “Brony” on occasion.)
I started to get into Twitter and Fetlife and needed to come up with a name to use.
I just blended the bondage, pony play, Batman and the doctor
and TADA became “drponybatbond.”
That’s obviously too awkward to use and say in person though.
The Femdom ladies call me “Ponyboy.”
Mistress Lacy my trainer calls me “pony pet.”
Most people on Fetlife address me as “Dr P.””
Please tell me about how this collection started.
“Mistress Michelle Lacy and I discovered that we were both artists in our own right and really enjoyed seeing each other’s art work.
I started the art collection by creating my own pen and ink pieces for Mistress Lacy at the beginning of our time getting to know each other initially.
I eventually discovered on Twitter, amongst other platforms, a plethora of kink artists that did art that fit our fetish bent. This started my commissioning these other artists as a way to thank Mistress Lacy for our friendship, her great efforts and our incredible times together.
She seemed to appreciate the pieces and many of the works really captured our fondness, energy exchange and recreated the scene for us to relive and enjoy over and over.
As time has gone by I think the commissions reinforce our connection when we don’t see each other very frequently like during recent times we all have experienced.
Ultimately I hope the art pieces help her brand and I hope that they promote pony play. The commissioned collection stands at about 200 pieces. Most of them are of us both. A few are individual.”
Website: MichelleLacy.com
Twitter for Mistress Michelle Lacy:
You can find @drponybatbond on Fetlife
FemDom Art
I hope you enjoy this small collection of FemDom art. If you do, please leave us a comment below!
I’d love to feature more of his collection (and other FemDom and fetish artists) in the future.
From the Twitter Account: “Gay Artist. I draw men in leather.”
From the Twitter Account: “I’m a freelancer artist, cartoonist, comics creator. Working for Lustomic, Tabou, EFedizioni, La Musardine, Embassy, etc… Fetish, femdom…”

You can find this artist on Fetlife @Basskool!

Reina Canalla
This artist is @ReinaCanalla on Fetlife and Twitter.


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