This interview is with Dark Lewds, an exceptionally creative erotic artist who loves bondage, fetish, humiliation/degredation, pregnancy, sexy pin-ups, and much more!
Please tell us how long you’ve been doing art and when you started doing NSFW art.
I think this question actually deserves two answers.
When I was about 13 or 14, I remember creating this sort of comic that touched on BDSM themes. I can’t remember all the details (that was about 25 years ago), but I think it was about a woman that had to undergo a right of passage which involved her being taken to a neighboring tribe and forced to endure all manner of erotic treatment. That comic was the earliest thing I can remember getting down and onto paper. Sadly, it was confiscated by my parents after they caught me drawing in it.
For the next twenty years or so, my skill mostly consisted of loose sketches scrawled in a variety of notebooks and hidden in a variety of places! Eventually, drawing took a back seat to acquiring an education and the eventual pursuit of a soul-crushing state of being inside a PG-rated job. That all changed with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in my release from that grinding existence and entry into a truly memorable chapter of my life – being unemployed.
Instead of sitting around and playing through Skyrim for the fifth time, I decided to pick up a new skill and give digital painting a try. The moment the stylus hit the tablet, I was hooked. For the next year, I’d spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours logging miles into developing my skills as a digital artist. There’d be times when I’d draw 12 to 16 hours a day for days on end!
All good things must come to an end, and for me, that meant returning to full-time employment. Since that unforgettable year of unemployment, I’ve taken on several roles that have made it challenging to dedicate the time I believe my art truly deserves. As a result, I’ve had to fit drawing in whenever I could. With that in mind, I probably have a solid three years clocked as a professional adult artist.
P.S. Oh yeah, I also took a variety of art classes at the college level which ranged from Drawing to Color Theory and even Sculpting. I’ve also taken all the classes that have anything to do with 3D art and animation.
How would you describe your art style? How has it evolved over the years?
My style resides somewhere between western and hentai. I know that’s a huge swath of territory, but it fits. I grew up being enthralled with hentai, so that definitely acts as a source of inspiration for me, but since practicing at a professional level, I’ve studied mainly off of western style artists.
I guess it depends on how you view a half full/empty glass of milk, but art is one of those subjects that can absolutely break you upon reaching a point where you can just begin to grasp how much skill it takes to reach the top of the mountain. It’s one of those things where the more you learn, the more you learn just how much you still have to learn.
Here’s an example; the first thing you learn in any respectable learn-to-draw space is how to draw a line or how to draw a circle. And you could spend days just figuring those two things out. In fact, I’m still working on those two skills! Let that sink in for a second. Then think about just how much distance exists from that point to a finished piece complete with well thought-out form, working color theory and lighting that tells a story. It’s mind-boggling. And yet, that’s how it is. Every contact between tablet and stylus grows my skills as an artist and maybe, eventually I’ll be the one calling down from the top of that mountain.
What are your favorite subjects? What can people expect when they see your work?
Bondage, bondage, bondage. ? If it wasn’t clear, I do a lot of bondage. BUT! I also have a love for a lot of other genres too and dip into them on a whim. Those may include fetish stuff like furry, humiliation/degradation, pregnancy or I may just want to do a sexy pin-up piece. I also really like the futanari space, but for whatever reason, I don’t usually end up drawing them very often.
What’s your workflow like? Do you do mostly traditional or digital art?
I’d estimate that at least 25% of my creative process is dedicated solely to coming up with an idea. Before the metaphorical pen ever meets metaphorical paper, I spend a significant amount of time seeking inspiration and gathering references. For example, if I wake up one day and decide to create a blowjob-themed piece, my first step is to open my PureRef board and run a quick image search for blowjob porn. From there, I start collecting anything that catches my eye—whether it’s an interesting pose, vibrant colors, dynamic lighting, or unique cum shapes. Once I’ve compiled a solid reference pool, I shift the focus to style, refining my search by adding “hentai” to see how other adult artists have approached the same subject. To wrap things up, I like to add artwork from artists I admire to the board for that extra little bit of inspiration.
Once I have an idea in mind, it’s onto the sketch. This is where sparks really start to fly! First up, is the blocking. The idea behind blocking is to just get ink onto the ‘paper’ as quickly as possible without worrying too much about how it looks! Accuracy is not the goal here; in fact I think, the rougher you can make it and still keep the idea, the better.

Once I get to a point where my blocking toolset is limiting the refining process, I switch tools and start filling in the details with my sketching toolset. At this stage, I can really start to feel out the finer details like facial expression, hair shape, what the hands are doing, accessory details like piercings or bondage gear, etc.
Once I’ve filled in the details, I have a huge decision to make: Do I just start filling in the color here and keep that sort of rough, sketchy look to the lines OR do I go over it one more time, filling in and refining the linework to get a super clean set to work from? I’ll admit, I usually choose the former, just because I loathe the process of inking. I personally think it’s the least creative part of the artistic process. BUT, I can’t argue with the results:
At this point, I turn off the green and fill the canvas with pure white, because now it’s time to add color! I probably follow the same sort of routines that most artists use for this stage, so I won’t go into every detail. If you really want to hear it, feel free to reach out and I’ll gladly talk your ear off about it!! To sum it up as quickly as possible, I apply flats to decide basic color, then start to add shape and volume. When I’m happy with those, I’ll add in environment lights and adjust the shadows and before I’m ready to call it finished, I add in the detail that really brings home the bacon: the highlights! Well, actually, sometimes, I finish up the piecs by adding in fluids or extra hair in all the nether regions, but still!! Highlights are usually last and definitely not least!!
Your work has a lot of fetish and BDSM elements. What inspires your work?
Hmm, that is a great question. I think it’s probably the same answer for any artist that’s not afraid to draw what they want; I’m inspired to draw the things I find sexy in real life. Not to say that there aren’t many other factors that influence how I’m inspired: a dynamic pose I’d like to take a whack at, a unique lighting setup I find attractive, or just next-level art that I can use to improve.
Most of it however, is just stuff I find sexy. I guess that can be a bit problematic as some of my art definitely brushes shoulders with the dreaded ‘non-con’ tag and I’m a firm believer that any advances on a person in real life without their consent is most assuredly, harassment. However, I believe that when it comes to the world of art and fiction, anything goes.
Another way I find inspiration is by imagining myself in the place of the subject I’m drawing (I’m a horny bastard with a well-functioning imagination). I’m not sure if this is common among artists in my field, but it’s definitely a key part of my creative process. Take the drawing above, for example—while developing the concept, I constantly imagined what it would be like to experience that situation firsthand. How would I feel if my naked breasts were on display for the world to see? Unable to do anything to cover myself and forced to listen to people’s reactions to my lewd form. Feeling every bump and jostle as I’m wheeled across the floor by whomever is holding my cramped prison. Enduring the sensation occurring as my naked flesh slides across the cool floor of what I assume to be a crowded terminal in an airport. How would I feel if that wasn’t even the end of my humiliation? What would it be like if someone came up and asked to wipe their dirty feet on my exposed breasts and moments later, did just that? Would I be able to tell what was on the bottom of their shoes? Would I feel the freshly spit out gum transfer from the shoe to my skin? How long would I be made to endure this torment?
With each brush stroke, my mind will work to uncover every detail to this made up fiction and eventually, I’ll arrive at a finished piece full of fetish and BDSM content!
Who are some of your artistic influences?
I have tons. Probably twenty or more to be honest. I have a very well-kept library of folders to house each artist I look up to, along with a link to their portfolios, as well as a few samples of their works.
HOWEVER! There are three legends that stand out and above the rest and have definitely inspired me since the beginning. They are as follows and in no particular order: InCase, The Sabu, and Calm
What kinds of unique challenges do you have as a NSFW artist?
The biggest challenge I face as an NSFW artist ties back to what I mentioned earlier—not all subjects are met with the same level of societal acceptance, and some are outright banned from being shown at all. It’s often a choice between drawing what truly inspires me and creating something more palatable for a broader audience. Finding that balance is a dance.
Another major challenge I face as an artist is finding the time to network and navigate social media. As much as I’d love to spend every day fully immersed in drawing and working on projects I’m passionate about, the reality is that without putting effort into sharing my work, connecting with others, and building an audience, very few people would ever see it. And without that visibility, turning my passion into a sustainable career wouldn’t be possible.
Please tell everyone about your Patreon account, what you offer on there, and how it’s going.
The Dark Lewds Patreon is in full swing, complete with hundreds of steamy posts. Upon signing up, you’ll have the option of three different tiers to choose from, each offering their own unique content.
- For as little as $3 dollars a month, you’ll get to enjoy all of my finished pieces in their original and highest resolutions. And trust me, this is the only way to view all those delicious little, ahem… details!
- $5 whole buckaroos will get you clearance to see all that high resolution art, plus WIPs and sketches that show just how the rest of the owl is produced, AND any Alternate versions of a piece, which may include fluids, body hair, tattoos, marks, etc!
- If you truly want to be my Best Friend Forever and ever (or you’re just a huge horndog), you can fork over one Alexander Hamilton and you’ll gain access to exclusive erotica that’s been custom tailored to each piece of art I create. And these aren’t just little blurbs attached to the side of the image. No sir! These are complete works, sometimes spanning several pages and always dripping wet with steamy, erotic content.
BUT WAIT! There’s more! Say you want to be in the driver’s seat for the next piece, but you don’t want to pay the full price of admission. Well, as a $10 dollar VIP member, you’ll enjoy a 20% discount on ALL commissions you choose to embark on!
The Dark Lewds Patreon is still in its early stages, which means now is the perfect time to jump in! By becoming a member today, you’ll be right there for every milestone and exclusive moment as we rise to the top. Join now and be part of this deliciously lewd adventure!
Do you have any big projects that you’re working on? What’s coming up next for you?
Actually, I just finished a collab project with another great artist I just started following. They go by Goat Daddy and you all should definitely check them out if you haven’t. After reaching out and gushing on them for a while, one thing led to another and we eventually decided to do a joint project in which we both finish each other’s drawings. They would provide the linework and I would provide the color and vice versa! Here are the sketches for each.
You’ll want to head to my Patreon to view the final results. They are both fire if I do say so myself!
What’s the strangest source of inspiration you’ve ever had for your art?
Haha! Why this question?? Ohh god. Well, one immediately jumped into my mind and I’m trying to come up with excuses not to talk about it, so I guess it would be that one. [sigh] Big Bird.
To my defence, I’m pretty sure it was a shit post, or supposed to be! Also, I was at a time in my art career where I wanted to practice feathers and well… there you have it. Big Bird popped into my conscience as a source for material.
No, I’m not posting it. If you want to see it, you’ll have to dig it up from the grave on Twitter or Reddit. Just trust me, it was as bad as you’re thinking. Probably worse.
Thank you very much for the interview! Is there anything else you like to add?
Just that it’s hard doing what I do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun, but it takes a lot of time and effort to produce something worth sharing and it really means a ton when I get to hear some positive feedback. So the next time you see a piece of art that you really like (it doesn’t have to be one of mine), reach out and tell them so! I promise they’ll appreciate that you did. And if you really want to make their day, find out where you can support them, so they’ll continue making that great art that you love!
And just be nice to each other. It’s hard out there these days with everything going on, but at least we can still come together every once and awhile and enjoy some spicy lewds together.