David Masterson did the rigging on this set with bondage model HelleCat. This shoot came about mostly through a discussion about the location. I was exceptionally attracted to this red room. David Masterson liked the chair and got a wicked idea for a predicament bondage rig.
One of the things I like to do in a bondage shoot is to capture the actual work that goes into the set. The best bondage artists display what I would describe as performance art. The interaction between the model and the bondage artist is a combination of craft and concern (sometimes a bit of sadism). I think the story often happens while the ropes are being tied.
Please follow David Masterson on Twitter: @OkieNawa
David Masterson’s blog: http://okienawa.blogspot.com/
HelleCat has a profile on Fetlife.
I’ve been nominated for Best Bondage Photographer for 2012. I would appreciate your vote!
Please click on the images below to see the full size photos.
Dirk Hooper: Bondage Model HelleCat in “Red Rum” by Photographer Dirk Hooper: David Masters d… http://t.co/l0ZbDrHr #fetish #news #pix